09 Jun 2023

Update from Golf: June 2023


We employ an irrigation contractor to start up our irrigation in the spring, shut down in the winter and fix our major problems throughout the season. Ideally, we are primed in March to start the season off. Due to our course improvement construction, this has been primed later than usual and we still have a number of heads failing which we are aware of. However, the positive news is half of these issues have been resolved today. Please accept our apologies for some dry sections on the courses, our specialist remains with us until all heads are up and running.

Enlargement of surfaces:

We are in the process of widening fairways, approaches and greens on both courses. The team have made a start on the Longcross greens, which is a slow process that involves gently lowering the height; as not to scalp and damage the turf. We aim for all these surfaces to be altered by the end of June where you will see more pin positions and larger surfaces to play more exciting golf.


We would like to thank five members of the greenkeeping team (Harry, Matt, Josh, John and Luke) who are moving onto pastures new. We wish them the best in their new challenges.

We have completed all interviews for replacement team members and will communicate new starters to members shortly. We are confident that the new additions and their experience in the industry will help us achieve the next level in playability and condition. This month, the gap will be covered by overtime and agency greenkeepers.

Tee markers

We would like to apologise for the quality of the new tee markers across the championships courses. Although well received, they have not been resistant to members tripping/damaging on the tee and have bent easily when pushed into hard ground. All of the markers are being replaced and should arrive next week. Please be aware of your bearings on the tee to avoid kicking them.

Club Championship additions

We are delighted to announce the following new additions to club championships weekend:

- Grass tee set-up for all competitors
- Daily pin sheets

We hope that these additions make for an extra special weekend and you're looking forward to it as much as we are.